Conan Gray gives fans something to escape reality with on ‘Overdrive’
Conan Gray was brave enough to drop his debut album in March last year, just as the Covid-19 pandemic was taking over the world. This unfortunately prevented him from going on a proper international tour with the record, but at least his singles ‘Maniac’ and ‘Heather’ enjoyed success and now he already finished some brand new material. His first single released after the album Kid Krow is titled ‘Overdrive’ and it’s a sure fire hit!
“Wanted to start the year off with a song to escape from reality for a little bit with. Something to scream into the shower head and fantasize about secret lovers and alternate reckless lives we could’ve lived”, Gray wrote about the song on social media.
‘Overdrive’ is the type of big, upbeat pop song that works best when blasting out of a car on the highway, singing along at the top of your lungs. It has a similar vibe and production to ‘Maniac’ and therefore belongs to his most uptempo material to date. The chorus hits hard with hooks for days and lyrics that emphasize Conan’s free spirit. This track has all the potential to become his next mainstream hit without having to compromise any integrity. This is not just a bop, but a typical Conan Gray bop!
The music video, in which Gray imagines an adventure with a girl he sees at train station, is an absolute delight to watch!