Sung with an exceedingly vigorous intensity which shall tremble through the windows like a fresh breeze of vibrance, The Phantom Friends return with a wall-breaking experience for many to learn from on Can’t You See.
The Phantom Friends is a Charlotte, USA-based indie synth rock band who formulates those stadium-like soundtracks to jump around with.
”Is about getting through to the people you love or getting through to yourself when you know there are frivolous things in the way of your happiness. It’s about clearing out the negativity in your life and saying the things that are not always easy to say.” ~ The Phantom Friends
Laden with a bone-shaking edge and brimming with a confident aura to surpass all expectations, The Phantom Friends slide in our ears with excellent aplomb and shall help all lost hearts heal up again.
Can’t You See from Charlotte, USA-based indie synth rock band The Phantom Friends is a flourishingly energetic single to wash those self-doubts away with. Performed with a rather incredible velocity and belted out like a classic 90s track, this is a gem to play on repeat when a new door needs to open.
When you realize what you need to do in order to be happy, everything changes.
Tune in on Spotify. See more on the IG music page.
Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen