Finding a way to be happy and so fulfilled despite the lurking dangers ahead, Harshini Magesh moves forward expeditiously and attempts to be so much better that yesterday on the stirring new single Seven.
Harshini Magesh is a passionate indie singer-songwriter who makes the kind of songs which will surely make the heart rather happy.
Projected like a young Queen who is working out her flight path, Harshini Magesh sings with so much joy on this tremendously meaningful soundtrack to life in this perplexing world.
Seven by the promising indie singer-songwriter Harshini Magesh is a totally mesmerising performance from one of the more genuine vocalists imaginable. With a sweet sound and honest lyrics to feel nourished by, this is the story of finding your way in this confusing world. Sung with so much poise and precise timing, we find a young artist who is finding her wings rather quickly.
Knowing who you really are takes many years of deep thought and life experiences to figure out, after all.
Hear this fine song on Spotify. View more on IG.
Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen