Students with an interest in the great brass music of Malcolm Arnold have the chance to put their thoughts into writing.
The Malcolm Arnold Society has informed 4BR that it hopes to receive entries from the brass banding world for its 2023 Essay Prize.
The focus of the topic to be explored is: ‘Malcolm Arnold and his contribution to music for brass instruments’.
Essay Prize
Supported by the Malcolm Arnold Trust, the Essay Prize is open to students under the age of 19. It is intended to encourage inquiry into Arnold’s work and to reflect on the experience of performing his music.
The completed essay of between 2500 and 3500 words should be typed in double spacing and will be assessed by Dr Timothy Bowers and Paul Harris (Chair of the Malcolm Arnold Society).
Entries should be submitted by 31st August 2023 to maessay@icloud.com
The author of the winning essay will receive £300 which will also be published in ‘Maestro’, the annual magazine of the Malcolm Arnold Society. The winning author will also receive a personal letter from Katharine Arnold, Sir Malcolm’s daughter.
The Malcolm Arnold Society has also just announced a JustGiving campaign to raise £10,000 to fund the release of a new CD of Arnold’s brass music with Foden’s Band.
The author of the winning essay will receive £300 which will also be published in ‘Maestro’, the annual magazine of the Malcolm Arnold Society4BR
Performance help
Society secretary Ken Talbot told 4BR also hopes that bands will also take the opportunity in 2023 to let them know of all performances of his works in concerts, competitions and recordings.
“We are aware that Sir Malcolm’s works remain immensely popular for the brass band medium. We would encourage any band who is to perform one of his works to contact us.
We can then update our records and in return we will advertise the upcoming events through our extensive membership to hopefully help increase audiences for them.”
Contact: ken@malcolmarnoldsociety.co.uk