Knowing that she has gone with a rather cold exit, Lewis Hiller decides to move on and only fly into a peaceful universe again on the excellent Quite the Show.
Lewis Hiller is a Portsmouth, UK-based indie singer-songwriter who is best known for his deep lyrics and the debut single And I’ll Tell You Again.
”A written response and inspired from the former lover’s perspective. It captures the heartbreaking feelings of what it’s like to lose someone [to someone else].” ~ Lewis Hiller
Dynamic and thoroughly breathless at times, Lewis Hiller drops one of the best singles ever to get over a cruel ex who walked away like it was nothing. He sings with a special energy which transports us into a world of sadness, which is next to the door of freedom, too.
Quite the Show from Portsmouth, UK-based indie singer-songwriter Lewis Hiller is a breakup single to play loud if that crushing heartbreak gets too much sometimes. After dealing with a mysterious force that eventually broke his spirit into tiny fragments scattered all over the wet floor, this is a brave single of much substance.
Getting over that unexplainable special force is the key to being happy again.
Listen up to this top new single on Spotify. See more news on the IG.
Reviewed by Llewelyn Screen