The Huntsville Festival of the Arts is pleased to announce the “Huntsville Festival of Music” which will take place on March 2-5, 2023.
This program is modeled on the Kiwanis Music Festival’s mission to “encourage young and all age groups to know and love the arts and foster the values of self-discipline, teamwork and excellence”.
The Festival is under the direction of Alana Nuedling, Carol Gibson, Gerri Mar and Kyung-A Lee. After a two-year postponement due to the COVID Pandemic, the organizing committee is thrilled to finally share this event with the community.
The goals are simple: celebrate the great talents, build stronger communities and provide the tools to create a better future for those who participate. The festival will consist of competitive and non-competitive classes taking place on March 2 & 3. Participants will perform and receive coaching led by qualified adjudicators/teachers and will be awarded with a participation certificate or an award certificate for the top three marks.
There will be an opportunity to perform on the stage of Algonquin Theatre at the end of the Festival, for the gala concert ‘Concert of the Stars’. Participants for this event will be chosen on merit (winner of each class) and special consideration. The Concert of the Stars will be held on March 5, 2023.
The Festival classes will take place on March 2nd – 3th, 2023 in 3 locations within downtown Huntsville:
● Trinity United Church, 33 Main St E