Northampton-based UK indie band Sarpa Salpa have a massive new single called “She Never Lies”.
The super-catchy tune will surely get you on your feet; it’s pure bliss. I love how the chorus bursts with energy, synths and melodies.
Sarap Salpa comments: “‘She Never Lies’ was one of the first songs we wrote together as a band! We wrote it a long time ago back when we still rehearsed at Marcus (vocals) parents house! It’s become somewhat of a live fan favourite and it felt like the perfect time to revisit it in a studio setting. We’re so proud of how it turned and think it’s some of our best work to date!”.
I’ve selfishly been playing this song on repeat, so much so that this review is arriving late. Sorry, my bad!
By the way, you can get to connect with Sarpa Salpa on Instagram.