Over the years, Skyzoo has been known to put together masterful projects. Whether it’s his debut album The Salvation in 2009 or his Ode to Reasonable Doubt in 2013, In Celebration of Us (2018) or A Dream Deferred (2012), there hasn’t been a single year since 2004 where the Brooklyn emcee didn’t release something worth diving into. Do the math, that’s damn near two decades!! And with his latest album, he’s taking it yet another step further with a conceptual piece called The Mind Of A Saint.
Produced entirely by The Other Guys, The Mind Of A Saint delves into the innermost thoughts of one Franklin Saint, the lead character in the hit FX show, Snowall, which follows the infancy stage of the crack cocaine epidemic in Los Angeles in the early ’80s.
“When making this album, I wanted to do something that creatively pushed a button. Something that served a purpose while trying to understand both sides of the fence that it represents,” Skyzoo says. “The idea of a fictional character, Franklin Saint, and what his innermost thoughts could be when dealing with the fictional world he’s caught within. What makes it so intriguing is that his character and his world are mirrors of a time and EDA that really happened. The birth of one of the world’s most addictive drugs and how its ripple effect took on a life that may seemingly never die. The crack era was one of the worst chapters in black America’s story.”
“Using the Snowfall series as a vehicle to delve into both sides was truly fascinating as an emcee. It’s a project that is layered beyond measure. If you’ve never seen Snowfall, you’ll think it’s a really great album, but if you’re an avid fan of Snowfall, you’ll truly feel as if Franklin, the conflicted boy genius turned millionaire and career criminal, truly did pick up a pen and pad to write his life story over a bed of beats. It was one of the most intense projects I’ve ever written.”
Equipped with a concise 10 tracks, The Mind Of A Saint can be heard below. Press play and be sure to add the album wherever you get music.
Skyzoo & The Other Guys Release Snowfall-Inspired Album, ‘The Mind Of A Saint’ was last modified: January 13th, 2023 by