Happy Friday! Fridays are always great since we get new releases and it is the start of the weekend. But this one might be the very last Friday New Releases as I’m done…well…I’m done for 2022! As there aren’t enough releases the next few Fridays to do a post. But it will be back in 2023!!! 2023?? Wow, is almost that time already…time flies. It is typical this time of year for releases to slow down as artists hold off on releasing if they can’t get it out early enough before Christmas. Now, between now and next week, if I find enough to do the 16th’s releases, I will do one. Cross your fingers, but if we do, that is for sure the last one for the year. For me, there is really nothing I need. Thanks for stopping by and let me know what you want to hear this week or what we may have missed. Have a great weekend.